Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

31 Acts of Kindness

Every year I create a list of 31 acts of kindness in the month of December to propel me in to the spirit of Christmas. You can read last year's list here. It's a really fun and reflective exercise that encourages you to stop and reflect on your life and areas in which you can improve and be kinder. Here is my list of 31 acts of kindness in no particular order:

1. Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
2. Email a friend you haven't talked to in a while and ask how they are.
3. Get together with someone you haven't seen in a long time and want to reconnect with.
4. Thank a coworker for all the hard work they've done this year, and give a specific compliment on something they do well.
5. Do something out of the ordinary for someone you love.
6. Do the dishes without complaining.
7. Support a friend in need.
8. Listen without interrupting.
9. Hug your family.
10. Be cheerful when you order your coffee.
11. Help out a coworker and counsel them in a way that helps them understand and improve.
12. Call your grandma and grandpa.
13. Return a phone call in a timely manner.
14. Leave a cute message.
15. Tweet, email, mail a letter, whatever - thanking a company you love for their great customer service.
16. Write a handwritten note to a friend telling them how much you appreciate their friendship and love them as a person.
17. Invite a friend out for a cup of coffee and treat them.
18. If you're a blogger, consider running a giveaway on your blog to thank your readers and followers.
19. Give your significant other a back and shoulder massage.
20. Do a neighborly deed like shoveling snow for an elderly neighbor.
21. Visit a retirement home and spend time with people who don't have anyone visiting them during the holidays.
22. Donate needed items to a homeless or women's shelter.
23. Give good advice to someone who needs it.
24. Help someone be the best version of themselves.
25. Leave a $5 Starbucks gift card somewhere for someone to find.
26. Offer to pay for someone in need's gas.
27. Carry a homeless kit in your car to give to someone in need when you see them.
28. Hold the door for a stranger.
29. Say please and thank you to your waiter(s) and give them a nice tip.
30. Take out the trash without complaining.
31. Don't forget to tell your family you love them and count your blessings!

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